TechnoRUCS Blog

Business Central is designed for small and medium organizations to make sure that they have complete solutions for their business. It includes sales, supply chain management, finance and operations, and customer service
Timesheet Automation
The Timesheet application is crucial for any company. It tracks employee hours, manages project tasks, and updates resources efficiently, helping business owners stay organized.
Salesforce Flow Builder.
What is Salesforce Summary Flow Builder? Salesforce is a leading cloud-primarily based CRM platform that enhances customer interactions across marketing,
What’s New in Microsoft 365 2022 Update
Dive into the new features in Microsoft O365 to enhance efficiency, crucial for businesses. The ability to create, collaborate, and
Best Practices in improving Salesforce CRM Effectiveness
Introduction: After months of evaluation, your organization has implemented CRM. Now, it’s crucial to ensure that your sales and
10 Ways How Workflow Automation Improves Business Results
Introduction: In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance efficiency and productivity. One such
Top Trends in Mobile Application Development 2022
Do you already have a Mobile App or Planning to build a brand new mobile app for modernizing your business?
Industry Use Cases for Microsoft Power Platform
Introduction: In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, Microsoft Power Apps emerges as a dynamic force, empowering businesses across various sectors
Industry Use Cases for Microsoft Power Platform
Amidst the dynamic landscape of modern industries with Power Platform, the quest for organizational resilience drives the relentless pursuit of
Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of organizational priorities, 2024 witnessed a monumental shift toward prioritizing Employee Experience (EX) and Engagement,
SharePoint Logo
Crafting a Tailored SharePoint Experience In the vast landscape of modern enterprises, Microsoft SharePoint emerged as the ultimate collaboration tool.